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Lincense Proficiency Check (LPC)

Revalidation - Renewal

If you are looking into revalidating or renewing your type rating we can help...

Revalidation: If you are still current on type and willing to go straight for the License Proficiency Check (LPC). Refresher training before the LPC is optional.

Renewal: If your rating has expired our ATO will evaluate your experience and recency on the type and make a recommendation in accordance with EASA requirements before going for the License Proficiency Check (LPC) in a simulator.

Types we can assist you with maintaining your currency:
Boeing 737 - CL/NG/MAX

Boeing 747
Boeing 757
Boeing 767

Airbus 320F
Airbus 330
King Air B200
Twin Otter DHC6

Please contact us for further information.

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